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Thomas County

4-H Youth Development


4-H logo

4-H is a community of young people across Kansas engaged in learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Caring adults that support our programs are essential for youth to achieve their potential based on the guidance, respect, skills, knowledge and wisdom adults can share.

4-H is a nationwide program. Each of the four H's of the clover represent ways youth can grow and develop.

Head, critical thinking, problem solving;
Heart, self-discipline, integrity, communication;
Hands, serving others; and
Health, choosing healthy lifestyles.

In 4-H, youth have fun with a purpose!

View the K-State Research and Extension 4-H and Youth homepage.


With over 30 projects, there's no doubt your kids will find something they're interested in.

Spring Shows and Contests

Sunflower District


What is 4-H?

Kansas 4-H


What is 4-H?

How do I join?

Thomas County 4-H Family Guide

Enroll in 4-H


Thomas County 4-H on Facebook

Thomas County 4-H now has a page on Facebook! Become a fan to keep up with what's happening in the county.