Welcome to Thomas County Extension
Welcome to Thomas County! Your local K-State Research and Extension office is a valuable resource for finding the information you need. Extension programs present useful information related to health, nutrition, crops, livestock, home and family, 4-H and youth development, and much more.
Our philosophy is to help people help themselves by taking the research conducted at the university to where people live, work, play, develop, lead, and grow. We work at being responsive to the needs of the people by focusing our resources on providing quality information, education, and problem-solving programs for real life concerns to Thomas County residents. We are happy to serve you!
Upcoming EventsWe've listed upcoming Extension and 4-H events in one convenient location.
Come Join Our Team!We're looking for an Office Professional. Click here for more information and how to apply! | Quick Links & ResourcesHorticulture NewsletterAgronomy eUpdate
You Asked It! Newsletter4-H Tip Sheet |